Monday, December 12, 2016

Enhanced features in search console to increase reports in Property Set

Since initially announcing property sets earlier this year, one of the most popular requests has been to expand this functionality to more sections of Search Console. Thanks to your feedback, we're now expanding property sets to more features!  
For detailed information you can click here at

Friday, September 16, 2016

How can Google Search Console help you AMPlify your site?

If you have recently implemented Accelerated Mobile Pages on your site, it’s a great time to check which of your AMP pages Google has found and indexed by using Search Console.

Search Console is a free service that helps you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search, including any Accelerated Mobile Pages. You don't have to sign up for Search Console for your AMP pages to be included in Google Search results, but doing so can help you understand which of your AMP pages are eligible to show in search results.

To get started with Search Console, create a free account or sign in here and validate the ownership of your sites.

For further information you can visit here at:-

Monday, September 12, 2016

What is AMP?

Users today expect mobile websites to load super fast. The reality is that it can often take several seconds. It is no surprise that 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. To reduce the time content takes to get to a user’s mobile device we started working on the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, an open source initiative to improve the mobile web experience for everyone.

Accelerated Mobile Pages are HTML pages that take advantage of various technical approaches to prioritize speed and a faster experience for users by loading content almost instantaneously.
For detialed information visit here at

Sunday, September 11, 2016

GTM & GA Interview Questions Asked in Dianik Bhasker Noida

Hello Friends,

I did not got a chance to update this blog with latest SEO Interview Questions. Today i got a chance to meet with a candidate who has given interview in Dainik Bhasker Noida. He has gone there for Data Analyst position.

I am sharing some of the questions.

1. How you recognized that you are using Premium Google Analytics?
2. What is the difference between free and premium version of google analytics?
3. Can we capture custom dimension value without firing page view tag?
4. How you separate 4 domain in single account for host name report?
5. How you convey your business holder for data variation?
6. How you differentiate users for same domain with different devices?
7. What is worksheet in GTM?
8. I want to capture scrolling in the manner that how many user scroll 25 50 and so on?
9. How you upload external data in Google analytics?
10.Tell me your real experience in data discrepancy when we capturing it in custom dimensions?

Hope these questions will help you to enhance your knowledge. Let me know in case if any suggestion on it.

Friday, July 29, 2016

SEO Interview Questions Asked in HT Media Gurgaon

Hi All

Today i got a chance to meet someone who share some general questions which should asked in SEO interview at the level of 6 year experience.

1. How we will tell Google about the language of our website?
2. How we will tell to Google about our mobile website and desktop website?
3. How we tell to Google that is for china?
4. I do not want to index our pagination but want those URL value to home page how?
5. Is it good having many numbers of micro sties along with our website?
6. How we will start analysis for our website?
7. What will be the strategy to promote our website?

Let me know ig you also want to share your interview questions.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Google Tag Manager Interview Questions 2016

Hi Friends,

Hope you all are doing good. Today i am sitting and thinking about google analytic and decide to provide some more questions related to GTM implementation because now a days GTM is most useful & powerful tool used by all analyst. Hope you will enjoy this post and question for better understanding.

1. How we can track video through GTM, in which i want to check how much video is played like 20% 40% etc?
2. How we can track Facebook video from GTM?
3. What is the use of Folders in GTM?
4. What is approval queue in GTM?
5. what is environments in GTM?
6. How you will use import container?
7. How you will use Export container?
8. How you will fire a external tag through GTM?
9. If a tag firing 2 times what will be the reason for the same?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bounce Rate Vs Dwell Time


I have gone through in details for bounce rate and see that whatever data we are using to identify our bounce rate is not sufficient to analyze our content.

So in case of Google analytics there are two type of bounce rate .
  1. Bad Bounce Rate
  2. Good Bounce rate

Bad bounce Rate:- Bad bounce rate means user visit your page and leave it within 5 to 10 second than this will count as a bad bounce rate.

Good Bounce Rate:- It means user visits your page and stay with this page for 10 to 15 minutes and without visiting any other page he has left your website then this will count as a good bounce rate.

So we need to tack care for second case we should not consider it as bounce rate because whatever user is looking for get it on this page only and left our website. So this time is called as a Dwell time which Google consider as a ranking signal. If you have a good amount of dwell time then sure your website ranking will be good.

Solution to recover this problem:- There is a solution by which you can consider the good bounce rate in a positive way and sure this will decrease your bounce rate as well.

For this you need to make small change is GA code, in which we will set a limit of 30 seconds if someone stay on our page for 30 seconds then a event will occur and this will not considered in a bounce rate.  

Just add the following as the last _gaq.push declaration in the script:

setTimeout('_gaq.push([\'_trackEvent\', \'NoBounce\', \'Over 30 seconds\'])',30000);
Kindly share you inputs.