Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bounce Rate Vs Dwell Time


I have gone through in details for bounce rate and see that whatever data we are using to identify our bounce rate is not sufficient to analyze our content.

So in case of Google analytics there are two type of bounce rate .
  1. Bad Bounce Rate
  2. Good Bounce rate

Bad bounce Rate:- Bad bounce rate means user visit your page and leave it within 5 to 10 second than this will count as a bad bounce rate.

Good Bounce Rate:- It means user visits your page and stay with this page for 10 to 15 minutes and without visiting any other page he has left your website then this will count as a good bounce rate.

So we need to tack care for second case we should not consider it as bounce rate because whatever user is looking for get it on this page only and left our website. So this time is called as a Dwell time which Google consider as a ranking signal. If you have a good amount of dwell time then sure your website ranking will be good.

Solution to recover this problem:- There is a solution by which you can consider the good bounce rate in a positive way and sure this will decrease your bounce rate as well.

For this you need to make small change is GA code, in which we will set a limit of 30 seconds if someone stay on our page for 30 seconds then a event will occur and this will not considered in a bounce rate.  

Just add the following as the last _gaq.push declaration in the script:

setTimeout('_gaq.push([\'_trackEvent\', \'NoBounce\', \'Over 30 seconds\'])',30000);
Kindly share you inputs.